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Chapters In Books

  1. “Building World-Class Universities as Actors of Social Change and Efficient Public Policy-Making” in Universities as the fifth power? Opportunities, Risks and Strategies, Ana Mari Cauce, Yves Fluckiger, Bert van der Zwaan (Eds), Association Glion Colloquium, ISCA Geneva, Switzerland, 2022.

  2. "India and the ASEAN: Education, Rule of Law and Good Governance” in Building ASEAN Identity on a Transnational Dimension, Yasushi Kikuchi and Vesselin Popovski (editors), Interbooks, Japan, 2014.

  3. Amit Bindal and C. Raj Kumar, "Abolition of the Death Penalty in India: Constitutional and Human Rights Dimensions” in “Confronting Capital Punishment in Asia Human Rights, Politics and Public Opinion”, Roger Hood and Surya Deva (editors), Oxford University Press, 2013.

  4. "Legal Education, Globalisation and Institutional Excellence: Challenges for the Rule of Law and "Access to Justice in India”, in Law and (in) Equalities Contemporary Perspectives - Essays in Honour of Professor Mahendra Pal Singh”, Swati Deva (Ed.), Eastern Book Company, 2010, pp.289-309.

  5. "Human Rights Implications of Corruption in South Asia: Perspectives in Law and Governance", in “Globalisation and Sustainable Good Governance: Challenges and Opportunities", (editors: Parmanand Singh and A. Francis Julian), pp.328-360, Legal Education and Research Society (LEARS) and Manav Publications, 2010.

  6. "Corruption, Transparency in Governance and Development: Reinventing Sovereignty for Promoting Good Governance” (2008), pp.251-265, a commissioned book chapter published in "The End of Westphalia? Re-envisioning Sovereignty" (Ashgate, pp.375), a book project organised by the International Institute for Ethics, Law and Governance, Griffith University, Australia and the United Nations University (UNU), Japan.

  7. "Corruption as a Human Rights Issue in South Asia: Law, Development and Governance", (2007), Human Rights 2006: The Year in Review, (editor: Marius Smith), The Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University, pp.41-82, Melbourne, Australia.

  8. "Introduction: Rights, Justice and Empowerment", (January 2007), pp.xxvii-liv, book chapter in the book, Human Rights, Justice and Constitutional Empowerment, an edited book of essays published by OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (OUP), 520 pages.

  9. "Corruption and its Impact on Human Rights and the Rule of Law: Governance Perspectives", (January 2007), pp.153-182, book chapter in the book, Human Rights, Justice and Constitutional Empowerment, an edited book of essays published by OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (OUP), 520 pages.

  10. "Introduction: Interdependence of Human Rights and Development", (co-author) (July 2006), pp.1-10, book chapter in the book, Human Rights and Development: Law, Policy and Governance, an edited book of essays published by LEXISNEXIS (BUTTERWORTHS), 550 pages.

  11. "Role of National Human Rights Commissions in Promoting and Protecting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights", (July 2006), pp.95-107, book chapter in the book, Human Rights and Development: Law, Policy and Governance, an edited book of essays published by LEXISNEXIS (BUTTERWORTHS), 550 pages.

  12. "Introduction: Responding to Tsunami and Disasters: Law, Policy and Governance Perspectives on Disaster Management", (co-author) (September 2006), pp.1-6, book chapter in the book Tsunami and Disaster Management: Law and Governance, an edited book of essays published by THOMSON SWEET & MAXWELL ASIA, 274 pages.

  13. "Human Rights and Governance Perspectives on Disaster Management", (co-author) (September 2006), pp.127-138, book chapter in the book Tsunami and Disaster Management: Law and Governance, an edited book of essays published by THOMSON SWEET & MAXWELL ASIA, 294 pages.

  14. "Tort Law and Perspectives on Disaster Management", (co-author) (September 2006), pp.139-145, book chapter in the book Tsunami and Disaster Management: Law and Governance, an edited book of essays published by THOMSON SWEET & MAXWELL ASIA, 274 pages.

  15. "Elections and Voting Systems: Perspectives on Democratic Governance in Hong Kong", August 2003, pp. 44-66, book chapter, in the book, "Building Democracy: Creating Good Government for Hong Kong", HONG KONG UNIVERSITY PRESS (HKUP), Hong Kong, China.

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